13 грудня 2013 р.

Could not chdir to home directory /home/nsc: Permission denied

Could not chdir to home directory /home/nsc: Permission denied /bin/bash: Permission denied Connection to closed. After creating lxc container, I wasn’t able to connect to it as a simple user. Also couldn’t change to simple user using “su”.

All I got was an error:
Could not chdir to home directory /home/nsc: Permission denied
/bin/bash: Permission denied
Connection to closed.
All permissions of home directory were correct, as to be 100% sure, deleted user and created again. Still the same problem.

The problem was / permissions.
It was 700, so simple user couldn’t change to any directory.

Small fix to make it working (with root user)
chmod 755/
And that’s it, user is working!!!

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Коли забув ти рідну мову, біднієш духом ти щодня...
When you forgot your native language you would become a poor at spirit every day ...

Д.Білоус / D.Bilous
Рабів до раю не пускають. Будь вільним!

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