13 липня 2024 р.

Codefinity. Ultimate Visualization with Python

Course Ultimate Visualization with Python of track Python Data Analysis and Visualization.

Data is everywhere around us, and making sense of it is extremely important. 

Visualization helps us deal with data by finding certain patterns and insights in it. 

We will develop a solid foundation of data visualization using Python and its libraries, such as matplotlib and seaborn, to get as much information from data as possible in a neat and concise way. Without further ado, let's dive in!

Author: Kyryl Sidak


Ultimate Visualization with Python


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Коли забув ти рідну мову, біднієш духом ти щодня...
When you forgot your native language you would become a poor at spirit every day ...

Д.Білоус / D.Bilous
Рабів до раю не пускають. Будь вільним!

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