23 липня 2024 р.

Codefinity. Course Ensemble Learning

Ensemble Learning is an advanced machine learning technique that combines multiple models to improve overall predictive performance and decision-making when solving real-life tasks. 

Author: Ruslan Shudra

Let's summarize and highlight the main information covered in the course.

Ensemble learning in machine learning is a technique that combines the predictions of multiple individual models (learners) to produce a more robust and accurate prediction or classification. It leverages the principle that by aggregating the opinions of multiple models, you can often achieve better results than relying on a single model.
There are three commonly used techniques for creating ensembles: bagging, boosting, and stacking.

Ensemble Learning


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Коли забув ти рідну мову, біднієш духом ти щодня...
When you forgot your native language you would become a poor at spirit every day ...

Д.Білоус / D.Bilous
Рабів до раю не пускають. Будь вільним!

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