10 березня 2024 р.

Feature Engineering | Google Cloud Skills Boost

Кроки для для здобуття необхідних навичок для спеціальностей з напрямку AI & Data на платформі Google Cloud Skills Boost завдяки можливості надданій Google Ukraine.

Курс: Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering - Mar 9, 2024

Want to know about Veex AI Feature Store? Want to know how you can improve the
accuracy of your ML models? What about how to nd which data columns make the most
useful features? Welcome to Feature Engineering, where we discuss good versus bad
features and how you can preprocess and transform them for optimal use in your models.
This course includes content and labs on feature engineering using BigQuery ML, Keras, and

● Module 1: Introduction to Veex AI Feature Store
● Module 2: Raw Data to Features
● Module 3: Feature Engineering
● Module 4: Preprocessing and Feature Creation
● Module 5: Feature Crosses - TensorFlow Playground
● Module 6: Introduction to TensorFlow Transform 

Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path

A Machine Learning Engineer designs, builds, productionizes, optimizes, operates, and maintains ML systems.


A Machine Learning Engineer designs, builds, productionizes, optimizes, operates, and maintains ML systems. This learning path guides you through a curated collection of on-demand courses, labs, and skill badges that provide you with real-world, hands-on experience using Google Cloud technologies essential to the ML Engineer role. Once you complete the path, check out the Google Cloud Machine Learning Engineer certification to take the next steps in your professional journey.

Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path

#MachineLearning #MachineLearningModels #MachineLearningPipeline


Немає коментарів:

Коли забув ти рідну мову, біднієш духом ти щодня...
When you forgot your native language you would become a poor at spirit every day ...

Д.Білоус / D.Bilous
Рабів до раю не пускають. Будь вільним!

ipv6 ready