23 червня 2024 р.

Codefinity. Successfully completed track - Python. Preparation for Data Science. Consists of 9 courses.

Track "Preparation for Data Science", curriculum encompasses a collection of pivotal courses that provide foundational knowledge and skills essential for a successful journey in the field of data science. 

These courses encompass the comprehensive study of key concepts, tools, and methodologies integral to the realm of data analysis and modeling.
By delving into courses centered around NumPy, Pandas, statistics, probability theory, as well as mathematics tailored for data analysis and modeling, learners are equipped with a well-rounded toolkit to seamlessly navigate the intricacies of data-driven exploration, manipulation, and inference. 

The curriculum's diverse content ensures a robust understanding of critical elements in data science, cultivating a solid base for individuals venturing into this dynamic and ever-evolving domain.

Preparation for Data Science

20 червня 2024 р.

Simple basic setup of SONiC OS for swicth Celestica Seastone DX010, 32-port 100G in L2 mode, and simple ACL restriction for SSH managemnt.

In continuing to Hardware switch with stateless firewall rules. Seastone DX010. SONiC OS, SONiC Notebook.

Conditions. Two Celestica DX010 switches (Celestica1, Celestica2) are connected via a 100G (4x25G) uplink connection located in different data centres.

Task. Manage the settings of the Celestica2 from the console of the Celestica1 switch, but not vice versa.

Upgrade firmware from WiKi

SONiC / Supported devices platforms - Celestica DX010 #37
$ scp ./sonic-broadcom.bin scp://admin@sonic_ip
$ ssh admin@sonic_ip admin@sonic:~$ sudo sonic-installer install sonic-broadcom.bin
New image will be installed, continue? [y/N]: y
efi not supported - exiting without verification

Installing image SONiC-OS-master.576207-99e0e1ade and setting it as default...
Setup SWAP memory
Command: mkswap /host/swapfile
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1024 MiB (1073737728 bytes)
no label, UUID=c7e49ce7-321d-4a01-9af6-09123874b547

Command: swapon /host/swapfile

Command: bash ./sonic-broadcom.bin
Verifying image checksum ... OK.
Preparing image archive ... OK.
Installing SONiC in SONiC
ONIE Installer: platform: x86_64-broadcom-r0
onie_platform: x86_64-cel_seastone-r0
Removing old SONiC installation /host/image-master.571486-a2b3ca87a
Installing SONiC to /host/image-master.576207-99e0e1ade
Command: sync

Command: sync

Command: sync

Command: sleep 3

admin@sonic:~$ sudo reboot
Now the user is admin, password: "YourPaSsWoRd".
Managemnet sonic_ip is obtained from the local DHCP server.

You can back up the sonic configuration on your local PC
$ scp -r admin@sonic_ip:/etc/sonic/ ./sonic

16 червня 2024 р.

Hardware switch with stateless firewall rules. Seastone DX010. SONiC OS.

⌛ Нові часи швидкостей 📶 і нове обладнання приходиться опановувати.

Так опановую налаштування 100Gb обладнання 🔨 на прикладі "Celestica Seastone DX010, 32-Port 100G QSFP28 Onie Switch" з операційною системою SONiC OS.

🚆 Великі швидкості передачі - великі вимоги до часу ⛳ обробки мережевих пакетів. Для пришвидшення обробки використовуються спеціальні апаратні акселератори (ASIC), наприклад,  Broadcom Tomahawk ASIC.

🚀 ASIC своєю чергою можуть мати свої обмеження 🚧, такі, наприклад як stateless firewall правила в ACL

stateless firewall

statefull firewall

Коли забув ти рідну мову, біднієш духом ти щодня...
When you forgot your native language you would become a poor at spirit every day ...

Д.Білоус / D.Bilous
Рабів до раю не пускають. Будь вільним!

ipv6 ready