24 липня 2024 р.

Codefinity. Mastered all the "Foundations of Machine Learning" specialization courses.

The track provides an introduction to the essential concepts and techniques in the field of machine learning. 

This comprehensive learning journey covers various crucial topics, including the utilization of scikit-learn library for machine learning initiation, the application of Linear Regression for predictive modeling, exploration of Classification methods for categorizing data, and the study of Clustering algorithms to discover inherent patterns within datasets. 

By engaging with this track, learners will acquire a solid understanding of fundamental machine learning principles, enabling them to build predictive and analytical models across diverse domains.

8 courses


Codefinity. Project - Logistic Regression Mastering

Project Logistic Regression Mastering to track Foundations of Machine Learning.

In this project, we are going to understand the career tracks of Data Scientists.

Author: Edoardo Cantagallo

Logistic Regression Mastering

23 липня 2024 р.

Codefinity. Course Ensemble Learning

Ensemble Learning is an advanced machine learning technique that combines multiple models to improve overall predictive performance and decision-making when solving real-life tasks. 

Author: Ruslan Shudra

Let's summarize and highlight the main information covered in the course.

Ensemble learning in machine learning is a technique that combines the predictions of multiple individual models (learners) to produce a more robust and accurate prediction or classification. It leverages the principle that by aggregating the opinions of multiple models, you can often achieve better results than relying on a single model.
There are three commonly used techniques for creating ensembles: bagging, boosting, and stacking.

Ensemble Learning


14 липня 2024 р.

Codefinity. Course Linear Regression with Python.

Course Linear Regression with Python of track Foundations of Machine Learning.

Linear Regression is a crucial concept in predictive analytics. It is widely used by data scientists, data analytics, and statisticians as it is easy to build and interpret but powerful enough for many tasks.

Author: Volodymyr Romanovych

  • Simple Linear Regression 
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Polynomial Regression
  • Choosing The Best Model
Linear Regression with Python

13 липня 2024 р.

Codefinity. Mastered all the "Python Data Analysis and Visualization" specialization courses.

Track curriculum encompasses a collection of pivotal courses that provide foundational knowledge and skills essential for a successful journey in the field of data science. 

These courses encompass the comprehensive study of key concepts, tools, and methodologies integral to the realm of data analysis and modeling. 

By delving into courses centered around numpy, pandas, statistics, probability theory, as well as mathematics tailored for data analysis and modeling, learners are equipped with a well-rounded toolkit to seamlessly navigate the intricacies of data-driven exploration, manipulation, and inference.

6 courses 


  1. Ultimate NumPy
  2. Pandas First Steps
  3. Advanced Techniques in pandas
  4. Mathematics for Data Analysis and Modeling
  5. Probability Theory Basics
  6. Ultimate Visualization with Python

Python Data Analysis and Visualization

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When you forgot your native language you would become a poor at spirit every day ...

Д.Білоус / D.Bilous
Рабів до раю не пускають. Будь вільним!

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